A bibliometric research of Industry 4.0 opportunities in Industrial Engineering





Transformations from the traditional industry model to the Industry 4.0 model presents great challenges for Industrial Engineering professionals and students. Consequently, it becomes necessary to adapt already consolidated concepts in the academic and professional environment to meet the peculiarities and needs of this new business model. To understand these challenges of the fourth industrial revolution for those professionals, it was performed a bibliometric research to comprehend the publication’s profile involving the main concepts of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Engineering topics. This research consists of the analysis and interpretation of Scopus and Web of Science databases from January 2012 to November 2019. The results found indicate significant growth of scientific articles covering Industry 4.0 concepts applied in Industrial Engineering fields, as well as the distribution of publications by branch. The main contribution of this research article is to present the applicability of Industry 4.0 concepts in Industrial Engineering branches, plus the trends and opportunities for future research.


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