


This paper derives from our PhD research in Sociology on socio-identitarian requalification processes (processos de requalificação socio-identitária, henceforth PRSI) of Portuguese women who migrated to the Basque Country (San Sebastian area). To this end, we co-composed 31 exemplary case accounts, following the question: “What are the logics of action and what identitarian strategies are adopted by women who, facing the social experience of disqualification, engage in their ‘socio-identitarian requalification’?†We focus and organize this paper on the exposition of the main procedures and specific forms of the qualitative analysis, as we applied it at the ‘the processes of socio-identitarian requalification (PRSI) - how we called, since 2008, the analytical-understanding model of social trajectories of requalification from poverty conditions. (cf. Toscano 2015, 2017, 2018). So, in this paper, we explain in depth how we organize the 4 methodological acts which compose this 'analytical-understanding model processes of socio-identitarian requalification' that we have been developing since 2008 in our analysis of trajectories for social change ('leaving' so called poverty conditions). Therefore, after a brief mention of the Tool-Problematics, which constitutes the base for our research, in point 1.1 (1st act: theoretical-conceptual-epistemological roots), we focus on specific procedures, such as: - point 2: justifying the co-composition of accounts: operationalizing principles, procedures and criteria for the selection of exemplary cases and composition of narratives (2nd act, steps 2-3); - point 3: planning and co-composing the biographical process (2nd act, Steps 4a-4b; 6 stages); - point 4 (3rd act), 1st level of theorization: writing down speech through transcription-translation (step 5; stages 7-8) and transposition-rearrangement (analysis units, operation mode, discursive levels, account axes, rules/kinds of annotation - steps 6-7, stages 9-12); - point 5 (4th act), 2nd level of theorization: interpretation and theorizing composition in emergence (steps 8-9, stages 13-14, 7 operations); and finally, point 6, brief conclusions..


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Qualitative Research in Education, Technology and Society